Friday, January 29, 2010


I don't know why I keep thinking about ol' Randy and his westerns. Guess it's because a bunch has been poppin' up lately on Encore Westerns and TCM ("CARIBOU TRAIL" will be airin' on TCM this Friday the 29th at 3:30pm PT). Words can't describe how much I have been enjoying these oaters. I have had a lot of catching up to do. For so many years, especially when I was a kid, I did not like Scott or his movies. Don't know why since I enjoyed the heck out of those awful "B" westerns Republic used to crank out.

So I started doing a little investigating to see if there were any books written about Randy or his films and found out that there were only a few and most of them, from the reviews, seem to be pretty poor. There's one by his son C.H. Scott called 'WHATEVER HAPPENED TO RANDOLPH SCOTT?" which deals more with a son and his father than a book about his films. (I put it on hold at the library...mebbe I read it years ago. I don't remember.)

Others I discovered are "RANDOLPH SCOTT: A FILM BIOGRAPHY" by Jefferson Brim Crow and "THE FILMS OF RANDOLPH SCOTT by Robert Nott....both published in October of 1994 by Empire Press. Crow also had published in 1989 "RANDOLPH SCOTT: THE GENTLEMAN FROM VIRGINIA: A FILM BIOGRAGPHY" and Nott wrote and had published in 2000 "LAST OF THE COWBOY HEROES: THE WESTERNS OF RANDOLPH SCOTT, JOEL MCCREA AND AUDIE MURPHY."

Anyone have any input on these books?

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